The Blue Elf

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Faqs For Mentors


How does The Blue Elf mentorship platform work?

The Blue Elf platform helps you strengthen your human network with scalable mentorship sessions. We are connecting the two sides (mentee and mentor) and making the experience be smooth, safe, and rewarding. Our platform provides in build features from text chat to video conferencing to note taking to calendar integration so it’s easy to manage your sessions. We provide you with all the needed tools, so you can focus on delivering spectacular mentorship sessions.

You will be able to set your mentoring packages you are ready to offer. Either a monthly fee or individual sessions. You will be in total control of what you want to offer and who do you want to mentor. It’s very easy, just set up your profile, add your experience, add your plans, and launch your services to mentees that are ready to learn from you.

Mentors on The Blue Elf offer a free 30 minute session with each new mentorship. This means there is 30 minute free session to connect with your mentee to assess if the mentorship is going to work, set clear expectation, see if there is chemistry on both sides and determine a plan going forward.

You’ll see bookings come in very quickly.


How much time does it take?

The time you devote will always be in your control, you decide how much you want to invest in. The average mentor on our platform has 3-4 mentees and spends around 3 hours per mentee per month. You will be able to set individual sessions for 30 minutes or monthly plans that include 2-3 30 min calls and unlimited chat messages for a higher monthly fee.


What's expected from me?

Each mentee will submit an inquiry to you enlisting their goals, expectations, and a brief introduction of themselves. You can decide if you want to take on the request or not. We always encourage an open dialogue and empathy in negotiating what you can deliver.


Who are the Mentees?

Mentees come from all over the world. The majority are industry professionals looking to grow in their field. Others are considering new opportunities and need guidance towards a career change. A few of them need help on setting up their own products and startups.


How much money can I make?

Our mission is to make the world better through mentorship by empowering people to share and learn from each other. For most mentors the money becomes secondary. You will probably make more money consulting to big corporations, however, the opportunity to impact and influence the lives of many people positively is intangible. As a ballpark the average monthly payout for mentors is somewhere around $600 dollars per month. Top mentors are making a little bit more around low 4 figures.


How do you make money?

We only get paid if you do! When you set up your price, we’ll calculate a fee along the lines of 20% for your first payment per mentee and a $20-dollar monthly fee regardless of how many mentees do you have along the line. Once you have your mentees, we just split the payment and commission.