The Blue Elf

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Faqs For Mentees


How does The Blue Elf mentorship platform works?

The main intention of this platform is to connect individuals around the world so they can share and offer guidance/coaching, training resources and career navigation tools to develop your fullest potential by crafting their own vision for the future.

All mentors on the platform have been hand-picked, vetted, and continuously evaluated. That’s how we make sure that everyone you interact with will be valuable to your journey. You can interact with mentors in two ways – Monthly plans or individual on- off sessions.


Mentorship Monthly plans

Mentors will set up a program that you can apply through their profiles. Each mentoring program comes with a set of services – calls, unlimited messages, hand on help in your work, sample exercises or simply coaching to day-to-day life situations.

Each mentor will be available through an unlimited chat connection and in their profile, you can see which plan will be more suitable to your needs. Mentors will list in their profile, what’s included in their plans, their background and specification on what they can help you with. After your first payment you will be ready to set time in their calendars and chat directly with them.

All new mentorship connections come with a 30 minute free session so you can get to know your mentor and make sure you are a right fit.


How does it work step by step?

  1. Search for you mentor in the platform and apply for it.
  2. Your mentor will see your application and they have the right to either accept or deny your request.
  3. If your mentor accepts it, you will be matched in your dashboard and a chat will be enabled.
  4. During the 4-day period, you will be able to connect and establish a day and a time to virtually meet. The main intention of the first call is to work jointly with your mentor and establish goals, expectations, and a timeline.
  5. If you like the match, after the 4-day trial period just let your payment go through and you will be ready to take advantage of everything your mentor has to offer.


Individual on-off sessions

If you just need an hour with an expert to talk about a specific topic you can book a one-off session. This could be the easiest way to get in touch with a mentor: Pick a session, pay, schedule, done! Most sessions will tackle a specific goal – prep for an interview, work review, resume feedback, career strategy or an expert consultation where you can discuss whatever you want.


How does the free 30 minute session work?

Mentors on The Blue Elf Platform offer a 30 minute free session with each new mentorship. This means you have 30 minutes to meet with your mentor, get to know them and work on a plan. The trial starts on the day you put in your payment details and get connected with your mentor through chat. Please note that even if you don’t manage to meet with your mentor, billing will automatically start at the end of the 30 minute session.

In case of scheduling conflicts, mentors have the required tools to extend the trial period by as long as needed. Connect with your mentor early enough about this option.

Please note that you are not eligible for a trial with mentors you’ve already had a trial with prior.


What should you do during the free 30 minute session?

The free 30 minute session is a chance for you to feel how it’s like to work with a specific mentor. It’s the best way for you to get the needed confidence and assurance that the collaboration will work for you.

Our guidelines recommend a call to chat about possible outcomes and plan together. It is not an in-depth mentoring session. It’s important to align on goals and chat through some of the ideas, before diving right in. If you feel like a mentorship is not going to work out, you have the right to leave the trial through your dashboard.